Pawan Singh is an Indian Bhojpuri Actor, Playback Singer. He was born in Ara, Bihar, India, who famous for his singing & acting career. He is one of the highest-paid and successful actor in Bhojpuri Film Industry, who was awarded Best male Singer in the International Bhojpuri Film Awards in 2016. He became popular after his superhit song Lollypop Lagelu. He got huge crush on American Actress Nikki Reed. Indian Celebrity Pawan Singh is belongs to a Hinduism Family in Arrah, Bihar, India. He is educated from Maharaja College in Arrah in Bihar, India. Pawan Singh first married, Neelam Singh, who reportedly committed suicide at their home residence on March, 2015 and He second Married to Jyoti Singh. According to the latest reports, Bhojpuri Cinema Actor Pawan Singh recently joined the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) and has vowed to help his party in whatever work assigned to him. Pawan Singh has acted in many Bhojpuri Movies. His starring films are, Bhojpuriya Daroga, Pratigya...
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